Northern Capitals gearing up for special weekend in front of home fans
PRINCE GEORGE – After starting the season on an 8-game road trip which saw them bus to cities like Kelowna Surrey and Langley, the Northern Capitals are excited to play in front of their home fans for the first time this season. It’s a special weekend for the Caps, Something players are looking forward to.
For many first-year players, it will be the first ever time they will be playing in front of a home crowd. Luka Flannery is one of those first-year players however she did get a chance last year to play at home for one game as a Call-Up.
The home opener isn’t the only special game taking place for the girls this weekend as on Saturday the team will be wearing their orange jerseys for National Truth and Reconciliation.
The Caps hope fans will fill the seats tonight at Kin 1 as they look for their 2nd win of the season against the Greater Vancouver Comets.